The 'Originals' |
After 63 missions our party appears to be nearing the end of our time in Gloomhaven. We aren't quite finished yet, and our recent missions have given us a few more locations to explore, but the end is nigh...
...and that prompted thoughts of looking for a new game.
How did we get here?
During the first year and a half of the pandemic (coming on for 2 years at time of writing) we have met virtually and played twice a week for two hours each time using Roll20 and Skype. Between chatting, strategizing, and analysis paralysis it usually takes about two sessions to finish a mission (4 hours a map!). So, we've explored, delved and stabbed our way through about 252 hours of gameplay (not including revisiting one or two maps to farm XP or complete personal quests.) Frankly, the game has been a godsend in keeping us occupied while social distancing and not being able to meet in person.
With the growing realisation that GH may actually END (before you ask, I'm not going to replay!) I started looking around for a new board game to play. From enjoying GH, I knew that I liked dungeon delving, looting, character sheets and tactical combat, so when I heard about Descent 2nd edition I thought I would take a look. I watched plenty of YouTube reviews and took the plunge. A couple of weeks later a lovely blue box arrived....
Descent 2nd edition box art (c)Fantasy Flight Games 2012 |
...which in terms of timing was a terrible decision!
2nd edition has just gone out of print, Legends of the Dark has dropped and the publisher is no longer creating any 2nd edition content. This also means that 2e existing content, like lieutenant packs and expansions, are selling for their actual weight in gold on ebay and around the world (I noticed someone trying to sell an expansion box for 450 US dollars the other day in Japan, where I live.)
Still, I'm keeping an eye on eBay for the occasional deal, and restricting myself to a few simple goals:
- Make a box/ game organiser.
- Paint all core set minis to tabletop quality as fast as possible before a 1st game.
- Find and own all pieces for the 2nd edition box (lieutenants are just cardboard tokens? I see what you did there FFG...)
- Own and try one expansion.
- Download and use the
In the coming days and weeks I'll post updates on all of these things, starting with making myself a simple and very low cost box organiser.
Does it matter that 2e is a relic now? Hell no. I've always used this blog to help motivate myself to paint, and this is no different.
Let's do this!