Monday, June 18, 2012

Dust Tactics Unboxed - Video


Hi everyone!

As mentioned in my previous post, I received the copy of Dust Tactics; Revised Core Set I ordered from Amazon the other day. I waited until today to open it ("Happy Father's Day to me!") and had a look inside.

As it was a pretty hectic day, I haven't had a chance to sit down and read through everything yet, so I can't give you my first impression of the rules or anything like that, but I did take a few minutes to record my impressions of the content of the set.

So, without further ado, I present my first ever gaming related video, the epic:

Unboxing Dust Tactics Revised Core Set

Tomorrow, I am actually looking forward to my commute to work on the Tokyo subway because I purchased the digital edition of the Dust Warfare rules and have copied it over to my tablet. That should make the time fly!

I also quickly threw my basing stuff on the table tonight and continued magnetizing the High Elves. This is getting pretty fast now, so in a short while I had based two units of x10 Swordmasters and x8 Silverhelms, added metal sheet to their movement trays, and trimmed excess magnetic sheet from around the edges of each model.

Looking through my Skaven army, my nextmagnetizing session will have to be x50 Gobbo slaves - a rather more time consuming project...

Hope you all had a good weekend.


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