Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Skaven Tactica and Resources at Games Workshop..


If you are a new Skaven Warlord (like me) you will often find useful articles lurking around the Games Workshop website. Even if you only get a tip or two or an idea for how you want to paint your next Clanrat unit or pointers for your next list these are still a useful read (IMHO).

This month (Feb 2011) has seen the Great Horned Rat favor his children (us) with new models AND several articles on the GW site that will be of interest. Here is a quick round-up of some of the more interesting articles from the last month or two. (Let me know if I have missed any...) Below these I include a couple of older articles that may also be of interest.

Skaven: Warmachine Tactica
(Includes Warp Lighting Cannon, Plague Claw Catapult and Doomwheel.)
Hell Pit Abomination feature
(a couple of interesting paint schemes.)
Skaven: The Ravenous Hordes - Sample Armies
Skaven: Magic Tactica

Skaven: Hell Pit Abomination Focus
Skaven: Painting the Hell Pit Abomination 
Skaven: Painting
(3-step painting guides and specific painting guides for a couple of interesting Clans)

Jeremy Vetok Talks Skaven; Your Skaven Models

OTHER: (Older)
Skaven Banners PDF (to download and print)
Skaven: Getting Started (an introduction to the Children of the Horned Rat...)
Skaven: Tactica (Short article by Jeremy Vetok)
Skaven Doomwheel Stage-by-Stage (Painting and Assembly)
Skaven Doomwheel Focus
Skaven Screaming Bell Focus
Skaven Screaming Bell Stage-by-Stage (Painting and Assembly)
Skaven: Art of the Under Empire and Wallpaper Download

Hope this is useful!



  1. Hey Squeek,

    Again a valuable post. Though I knew various of these articles, some were actually new to me, and having them listed makes it very easy to look up. (Thanks!).

    I mentioned around a week ago that I was in the process of my own Doomwheel, and its finally finished. As your article had a significant impact on the miniature, I would love to hear your honest opinion bout it. your critics are more than welcome, and your opinion is to me deffinitely valuable.
    Blog: http://underempire.net/index.php?showtopic=35889&st=0&#entry3105530

    Thanks in advance!


  2. Hi Shendar,

    I'd read some of these too, but not all of them - and I just kept to the main ones here (there are older ones too I think).

    Also, I followed your link to your blog on the UnderEmpire...
    ...CONGRATS on the Doomwheel - if looks absolutely fantastic! Like everyone else who posted, I love the banner. Simply amazing freehand!

    Please keep updating, as I will definitely be going back...

    (btw, thanks for mentioning The Chattering Horde - really appreciated - although you have totally outdone my own Doomwheel!)

  3. Hey mate,

    I dont know what went wrong. I send you a comment about 1 week ago with my appreciations of your feeback and comments, but apparently that didn´t upload right on the blog. Up till then been regularly checking if there was a new update, but only now noticed that my comment was never posted. (So I'll say again, thanks a lot for your painting scheme!).

    Apart from that, deffinitely looking forward to a new post!


  4. Hi Shendar!
    I don't know what went wrong either. Blogger has a spam folder for comments and I checked there but nothing in there...
    I don't know why your post didn't get put up!
    Anyway, welcome back!
    With work and other things I don't know when I will be able to post again, but the next thing I would like to do is a step-by-step to the IOB Warlord. I just have to find the time!

  5. Excellent post! Thank you for assembling everything under one roof as it were!

  6. @Black Bard...
    Cheers! Glad that you found it useful! There is plenty of other stuff buried in the GW site I think... I just have to find the time to find it...
