Monday, November 8, 2010

Skaven Grey Seer Gallery


"After some time away my evil brethren (planning, scheming, and yes, working...) I have returned! And with me,  I bring an ally of great power, for I am joined from Skavenblight by a mighty master of magiks...
...a Grey Seer!
With such assistance, we are sure to triumph over the hated bearded-things, man-things and elf-things - or ANYTHINGs who gets in our way..."

A few pics below - and a step-by-step guide to come!



  1. I really like the look of this guy, the neutral greys you have used for him look great and I expect would make him stand out in your own army. Great work!

  2. Thanks Kuffeh! Glad you like him.
    This time I tried to take the photos a bit further away so he would appear a bit more as though he would on the tabletop (i.e. not close enough to see all the problems I hope!)

    Once I get around to it I'd like to take a few pics of the army as a whole as it is now to see how the characters looks when mixed in with the other units.

    Thanks again for the comments!

  3. I love your Blog, And you did give me some massive ides for skaven army, as for Now i am painting my Army in Icy Theam and looks amazing.

  4. Hi Kristian - glad you like the blog!
    I saw the Ice Blue theme on first ( thought it looked great, so decided to give it a try. Good luck with painting your army - and on the battlefield!
