Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Bossonian captain for Conan.

 'Don't worry lads, it's just a single Cimmerian!'

One of the nice things about the Conan board game is the variety of miniatures. A good example of this is the Bossonion captain. Heavily armoured, he wears a mix of metal and leather, with what looks like Chainmail. From a painting perspective this gives a good chance to use layers of metallics (for highlights) and Contrast paints (for speed).

Here he is:

Leather: Contrast Snakebite Leather (boots, etc. ) 
Boots: Contrast Cygor Brown.
Metal plates: Leadbelcher> Nuln Oil wash > Leadbelcher >Runefang Steel highlights.
Chain/ring mail: Contrast Black Templar> Runefang Steel drybrush.
Cloth: Contrast Blood Angels Red >Mephiston Red / Wild Rider Red mix.
Skin: Tallarn Flesh> Reikland Fleshshade wash> Tallarn Flesh/ Elf flesh mix.

Now the Bossonian guards have a leader!

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