Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Skaven Second Wave? Pics?


Just a quick one today...

...the excellent Fields of Blood blog has posted some pics of new Skaven models for 2011, attributed to "Warpmaster". There has been talk for some months of new models, especially the Abomination, and these images seem to show that, as well as a couple of other exciting new things.

I can't say I am crazy about these particular sculpts (if they are for real) but that could be because there are so many amazing home-brew abominations out there by talented amateurs already!

Anyway, check out the images and pray for more details in the future... You can find the post here:

p.s In other news, I managed to complete a couple of movement trays and also settled on a method for magnetizing them using a few things I found in the 100Yen shop near my place. Pics and step-by-step over the Christmas weekend!

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