
Here I will post  any scenery or terrain projects for Warhammer Fantasy Battle that are completed.

December 30th, 2011: Warhammer Chapel:

My first completed WFB scenery piece. For WIP pictures, please see this post.
Completed model, with washes and drybrushing
With Clanrat for scale

June 10th 2012. Battlefield in a Box Elven Tower:

Part of the "Battlefield in a Box" series by Gale Force 9the tower stands almost 17 inches tall and comes pre-painted to a tabletop standard. I think I will call this "The White Tower of Xereus", as it looks to be a good place for mustering "The Purple Sons of Xereus", who you can see on parade here.

September 2014, Citadel Watchtower.

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